2021 DE SMT
Yangtze River Delta Cross-border E-commerce Industry Development Summit

2021.12.17, WuXi·Worldhotel Junlai

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About DE SMT

In order to thoroughly implement the national strategy for the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, promote the integrated development of the manufacturing industry, industrial clusters and cross-border e-commerce in Wuxi and even the Yangtze River Delta region, and promote the digitalization of trade, it is scheduled to be held at Worldhotel Grand Juna in Wuxi at 9 am on December 17, 2021 Held the first Yangtze River Delta Cross-border E-commerce Industry Development Summit.

The summit was hosted by the Wuxi Municipal People's Government, with the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce as the supporting unit. With the theme of "Wind-up Yangtze River Delta Cross-border New Future", the conference held four major service platforms for cross-border e-commerce in the Yangtze River Delta, award of cross-border e-commerce industrial park in Jiangsu Province, and cross-border e-commerce in Wuxi City. “Top Ten” brand launches, the three-year action plan for cross-border e-commerce development in Wuxi City, and other key provincial and municipal key project signing activities, keynote speeches on digital transformation, new cross-border ecology, and brand going overseas. The cross-border e-commerce industry builds an integrated platform that leads the development of the industry, promotes regional coordination, and strengthens corporate cooperation, and promotes interconnection, cooperation and sharing.

This conference invited leaders of the Ministry of Commerce, the State Port Office, the General Administration of Customs, the provincial government, China’s International Economic Exchange Center Wei Jianguo, and other well-known domestic experts and scholars, officials of the embassies and consulates of key countries in China, and cross-border e-commerce companies in the Yangtze River Delta. The person in charge of the pilot zone, the executives and representatives of companies such as Amazon, Google, eBay and other well-known cross-border e-commerce platforms, supply chains, and logistics.

Wind up the Yangtze River Delta

Cross-border New Future

Invited guests

Ministry leaders, leaders of various cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas in the Yangtze River Delta, well-known domestic experts and scholars in related industries, and industry leaders such as Amazon, Google, eBay and other well-known cross-border e-commerce platform executives.



焦点科技高级副总裁 中国制造网总经理



阿里巴巴国际站华东大区 总经理



阿里巴巴集团副总裁 EWTP秘书长



亚马逊中国副总裁 亚马逊全球开店中国卖家拓展负责人 



APEC跨境电商创新发展研究中心主任 对外经济贸易大学教授



WTO原副总干事、原中国驻 WTO大使、商务部原副部长




俞 越

俞 越





Conference schedule

leader's speech

9:00-9:20Remarks by leaders of ministries, provinces and cities;

9:20-9:30Keynote speech by Wei Jianguo, Vice Chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center

Four service platforms for cross-border e-commerce in the Yangtze River Delta were unveiled

International Distribution Center for Electronic Components in the Yangtze River Delta

Yangtze River Delta International Internet Marketing Service Platform

Yangtze River Delta "Cross Trade Fair" Cloud Exhibition Platform

Digital Trade Platform for Auto Parts in the Yangtze River Delta

Awarded by Jiangsu Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park

Four "Top Ten" Brands of Wuxi Cross-border E-commerce Launched

Including: industrial parks, leading enterprises, independent stations, overseas warehouses

China (Wuxi) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone High-quality Development Three-year Action Plan Released

Provincial and municipal key projects signed

The Yangtze River Delta Cross-border E-commerce Fair Launched

Keynote Speech:

10:10—10:30Industry transformation: "Cross-border e-commerce promotes high-quality development" or "Cross-border e-commerce accelerates the creation of a new pattern of foreign trade"; (Speaker: Zhang Li, Vice President of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce)

10:10—10:30Keynote report: Gathering cross-border full links to build a new foreign trade ecology; (Speaker: Li Lei, Senior Vice President of Focus Technology and General Manager of Made-in-China.com)

10:50—10:55Theme release: "2021 Cross-border E-commerce Development Report" is released;

10:55—11:30Roundtable Dialogue: The Way of Chinese Brands Going Global; (Host: Liu Chen, co-founder of Ebond Power. Guest: Zhao Zhanbo, Director of Insurance Big Data Center, Beijing Big Data Research Institute, Youzan Platform, Shangbai Global, Yunsha Overseas Warehouse, Jiangsu Post).

Note: During the event update, if any adjustments are made, the final announcement of the exhibition shall prevail.